I do not have any further plans to continue Tooth

There's literally no reason to keep going with it. I despise the audience I've brought with it. Between the love sick freaks that physically make me sad to be around or the twitter bitches that cry like 14 year old girls when I make a joke. I hate 90% of this fan base. THIS DOES NOT MEAN EVERYONE, IF YOUR NOT ONE OF THE BAD APPLES, THEN IM NOT FUCKIN TALKIN TO YOU

There's too much shit that needs to be fixed and edited before I could even continue to actually write content for Tooth. And I physically don't have the  time or want to do it anymore. I have an actual job at Wendy's now. So I can't just sit in my room and write cookie-cutter dilf characters or emo drama shit. 

The whole point of Tooth was teach people they don't need a romantic partner to be happy cause they wont fix your personal shit. Because most of the time people have it just as bad as you are. Because society is constantly cramming #relationshipgoals down peoples throat. But at this point its like showing an anti-drug presentation to a bunch of heroin addicts. Most of the love addicts would just call it emo and cringe instead of seeing the message behind it and I don't care enough to fight for my message. Especially for furries, which I mostly hate btw. MEANING MOST OF THEM, I DO NOT HATE EVERY INDIVUAL FURRY, I AM A FURRY AS WELL. 

I do still have plans to make VN's in the future, so this account isn't just closing. Idk when I'd be in the spot to make them though. I plan to make like 20min-1hr long, sex-focused vns. Kinda like a comic and a short sex story combined. Which is what I wanted to make in the first place. Was thinking about making the first furry vn generated by ai. Like using ai to gen the text and edit images from ai for character sprites. I think that'd be cool and I could get started on that as soon as I get my own room. (Haven't had a room in like 7 months now haha).

So I guess that's it. My discord server will always be up n shit. Not that anyone joins. But there's always more info on there. Just stop posting comments asking for an update on Tooth. For now, until I get a wild hair up my ass, Tooth is canceled lol.

For the people who donated, uh, eat shit I guess. Thanks for the 40 bucks over 3 years of Tooth, get robbed. And follow my twitter and rt my porn to fuel my ego lol

Get Tooth (Discontinued until further notice)


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good riddance you weak loser.  Youre just another grifter who realized hes a shitty writer and couldnt hack it anymore. Stay gone, no one will miss you.

your actually pretty cute. Too bad your mean, Roger. We could’ve linked up if I ever went to Indiana. Btw both your itch and X accounts you continue to make rude comments. I think it’s a pattern, you’re self reflecting. 

I have naver played this game, I will play it now... but regardless of that or any possible opinion I may develop, I just hope you are doing better now. It seems the famdom sometimes can cross bounderies that shouldnt have to. Take care

thanks. For sure better now that I’ve taken like a full year almost from anything furry fandom related. Hope you have a good day man and thanks

I was actually thinking about playing this, this VN looks like it had potential but it’s unfortunate it had to be discontinued. While I do understand your reason for stopping it, however the message here you had for the people who followed your work, the ones who donated, and even the ones who gifted you fanart is just a major bitch slap.

 “For the people who donated, uh, eat shit I guess. Thanks for the 40 bucks over 3 years of Tooth, get robbed.“ Pretty much a low blow coming from somebody who works at Wendy’s.

If you are upset with those people who are so obsessed with love stories, then you could have obviously ignored it. If they were underage, block them. But NOPE, you chose to to give them attention and then show the shitty person you truly are. You could have gotten somewhere with your creativity and writing, you could have had much more support that anybody could want, but instead you flipped every one of those people the middle finger. 

It is quite sad to think that you gave up your work and future projects. I do at least hope that you are getting some kind of help, anybody that toxic like that must have had a rough past and I’m sorry for that. Good luck with everything though.

Deleted 353 days ago

Weird that you are calling me a “f****t” while you have a Twitter account dedicated to yourself masturbating and retweeting older fat guys sucking and fucking other guys lol oh the hypocrite that you are now. I joined this site to explore other VNs and discuss the updates with other fans of the VN, but sure go ahead and believe that. I think you need to hit the gym sometime buddy to lose that weight pal, those Wendy’s burgers are certainly filling you up XD

But honestly, you do need help and I do feel sorry that you don’t have many friends to talk to. Shitting on those that supported you and hating majority of people. Lots of people in this comment section really hates you now, but you don’t care that’s fine. Yep, your brain must be really fucked, you do need help.

Damn, I am so glad I didn’t even donate anything to you, knowing you would care less about your audience. Could have made some good money and got your name out there, and now here you are. Completely a sad miserable person, making little money working at Wendy’s, and having a Twitter that is only dedicated to porn of yourself and retweeting other old guys fucking. While that account has only 300 followers lmao. Time to get a better job buddy.


Brodie literally made a full conclusion. Those two points werent that hard you didnt have to repeat them twice lmao. Ik yo ugly ass didnt use xD unironically. Literally a kiddie toucher. Dont wanna be called a fag then stop being a lil bitch then. Hop off my dick and go get a job. You sad whiny loser. Yeah I'm reallllly messed up in the head because I dont care about the opinion of losers online. Sorry I'm tired of caring and trying my best to put up with yall

Joined to talk about vn updates, then why the fuck you tryna smoke on my page brodie. 

Might actually make a fuckin video so I can explain to yer 6 yo brains what light hearted sarcasm is


TLDR for newcomers : "I'm not the problem, you all are !!! Also, f*** all of you and I hate 90% of furries lmao"

Bro, you need to seek a psychiatrist, since you are clearly not well mentally. Leave this space, and try seeking some form of help before you come back. I don't even know you, nor do I care to, but reading all your past logs, you seem unhinged


You've played smoke room so your opinion is invalid + cope and get some mental help for your unhealthy addiction to fantasy romance, bro.


Sure buddy. 

But I'm not the one bitching on here and hating people  ;)


I've bitched and hated people on here for years. I'm toxic asf and I love it. It's my forum, If you dont like it you can leave :)


Good to see that you know yourself to be cancerous at least. That's progress :D

Yet, I have the right to reply in this public space and respond to your cringe comments. So deal with that. You don't get to insult people and expect no backlash, sweety

P.S : Maybe working at Wendy's might generate some income for you to finally be able to seek mental help. Have fun 🤭


i've never insulted anyone personally, sweety. You have the right to post, but I just banned you so get fucked soy boy


Lol Facts

(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

Slay bro, you ate and left no crumbs 😍




When you start selling a VN and advertising it as a romance story, you don't get to whine and bitch about people wanting a romance story.


1. Not selling it

2. Wanting a romance story is a lot different then being a love addict

For someone who plays a lot of vns, you sure don't know how to read


Sad to hear but I understand however Did you have to make it undownloaded tho? Couldn't you at least kept the last version up? I only got a very very old version was waiting until it was finished to download it again 


it has been undownloadable for over an year so it probably is the latest


Made them downloadable, just for you :) it's not a keylogger :)

thank you

Hope you ran a malware scan before opening it lmao

..... Your kidding, right? 


Should always watch your opsec :)


I'm sorry you had to go through this the online community tends to be very douchey I hope you're well


Its ok. I'm well acquainted with it, since I've been married to it for 4 years. Im ok hope you are too <3


more power to ya hmhm, it's your life and your visual novel, if they want to bitch cause you're not doing what everyone wants then let'em bitch like bitches hmhm. you don't gotta deal with that weird echo chamber they're building. and the money thing is just getting worse so you'll need to focus on your job. i wish you luck in your life and your soon-to-be vns as you seem like you have a lot you wanna make but the vn is just too much work rn as well as you having to work on the stuff that needs fixing first. good luck hmhm


ong ong preach. Wish you luck too, slay queen 


it's funny how they downvote us like it does anything but prove your point more lmao


i dont blame u, because of some personal reasons, I'm kinda only playing for the pleasure u know


Play lustful desires then, best vn


can u give me the link?

idk why i try to search for it but I didn't find anything

(1 edit) (-2)

here ya go^ https://hyao.itch.io/lustful-desires


thx man :)


this comment section is literally proving my point about the bitchy 14 year olds. Can't joke around or be myself around my own fuckin fan base. Guess i'll just have to talk like a robot with no emotion at all. Because the slightest hint of humor or light hearted sass means your a bastard and have mental problems


But how much of it is a joke? I don't know you; I haven't been following Tooth all that long and, as a stranger on the internet, I do not know you as a person. Since text doesn't translate things like sarcasm and sass particularly well, and I don't have a reference of your personality, I don't have much choice but to read this flat. When reading this post without guessing at what is or isn't serious, it seems like it comes from a place of pure frustration, saying that you "despise the audience", "collectively hate" furries, and refer to people joining your server as "lonely love sick [puppies]". What part of this post is supposed to be "[joking] around"? I'm hoping the part where you tell the people who donated to "eat shit" rather than some form of 'thank you for the support, however little it was', since that's one hell of a stance to take with 100% sincerity.

And I'm just going to respond to something you said to MadwolfGrimm here, since I'm just going to make one comment on this post then move on. Earlier you commented "... I never said I hated tooth", which isn't actually true. While it was some time ago now, your last post had this to say, "For the people that's not in the discord server, I hate Tooth. I hate working on it, I hate everything about it". Whether you didn't mean this, or your opinion has changed, or any other unaccountble factor, we cannot know that. All we know is what you've told us, and you've said that you hate us as an audience, and Tooth as a project.

I apologise if this comes across as dogpiling, I just wanted to give a response without making assumptions about your mental health or circumstances. I truly wish you the best in your future writing endeavors (gods know we can never have too many stories) and am glad to hear you managed to find employment after your last post.


A "bitchy 14 year old" furry.


You're acting like I said I hate all of you guys, 100 percent of the people that like Tooth, which is not true. I said most, because realistically MOST of the people here are love addicts and or whiney twitter justice warriors. I was light heartly joking about the eat shit part, as it is an expression. I cannot do anything to refund the money and im closing the project, so they kinda threw money away.  So I said I couldn't do anything about it. The other parts, about hating furries and hating my audience is 100% not a joke and I stand by it fully. If thats why you guys are mad, then theres nothing I can do about it. If you want to cry about my opinion thats your fault, I didnt personally call out everyone, I called out some of the bad apples, if that offends you, then you're one of the bad apples. Its funny how yall read vns for 100s of hours but cant read a single post

Yes, I dont love Tooth, as I've explained in that post you're referring too, there's just so much that needs to be fixed before I can be proud of it. But that's not the reason I'm quitting. As I've also explained in another post in this comment section, I dont mind taking the time to actually fix everything when I have the time, but I cannot stand this fan base. Or most furries in general. There are too much cry babies and romance addicts. I'm tired of slaving away making content for people I hate. I cant hang with 90 percent of the people here

and also I wasnt saying how little it was to be rude or to be greedy, as of right now I cant even use that money without filling out tax shit so it doesnt matter. I just thought it was funny, because a while back I used to get people talking shit about the quality and saying for the donation money I should be better at what I do

Deleted 1 year ago

Idk what your reasoning for hating furries is, and I honestly don't really care. However the lovesick weirdos part I understand about. While I do think this VN was good back when I was able to download it here, I wasn't able to afford much as far as not necessary things, so that is why I never paid for it through patreon or whatever. I do wish you to have a good life, even though you apparently hate me (since I happen to be a furry). Thanks for at least giving a small portion of what was a really good VN back then. It was fun to read when I could.


i dont know why your talking about money. my whole point was that they donated and im closing my game so it sucks  for them, since I cant refund anything


reason I brought up the money is because I felt it was good enough to do so back then, but I didn't have the ability to pay you. It isnt for any other reason. I would not have expected any money back, but it was good, like I said.

Deleted 1 year ago



Destroyed by facts and logic he got so embarrassed he deleted his post


Lol mood, his twitter porn is pretty hot though, should probably check that out


Thanks happy cummings

Deleted 1 year ago

its a crime to be sassy and based 


Have a few things to say regarding this post. 

You sound fairly young, work on yourself before you work on projects like this which should come from a place of love rather than "hate". I am sure you started this project and loved at least a part of what you put out. Work on getting back to that.

I don't follow you on social media or anything but you are clearly not well mentally. Take the time to get professional help. It's ok to get help and you are not alone in it. Consider getting off of social media since it's very evidently affecting you in some way. Also, fuck society, you are you. Humans are social creatures but that doesn't mean society as a whole dictates how a person should live.

It's understandable that there are too many things to fix in a project like this. Take this as a learning experience so you can streamline your project building for next time.

And for what it's worth, I did actually enjoy this project. Thought it had potential even if it did get very strange at times. Hope you're in a better place the next time you post something here.


I sound young because I dont sound like a robot or walk with a stick up my ass like Grizz? Or is it because I say shit like it is and try to put a little light hearted humor in it. Also a real 100 percent answer, I literally dont mind fixing and finishing Tooth. But I physically cannot deal with all the love sick weirdos that it brings. Because for some fucking reason they come to me thinking I'm a love doctor or shit when I'm aro. Had to deal with this shit for 4 fucking years. I'm tired of it. I used to be excited when someone joins my server, but now I know it's just another lonely love sick puppy that uses fantasy characters to fill their hole. Because society grows people to be romance addicts

And I'm "clearly" not well, when I've talked like this in every single fuckin post I've made.

And no, this vn was literally made out of pure spite. Spite of love addicts. To show them they only need themself to be happy


This post reeks of immaturity




for real

Deleted post

Hope you can get the help you need. Sucks that you're dumping on everyone else for your own problems, but mental health is a bitch. Sucks about the VN, it had some potential, but if you really hate it that much then I guess that's that. Sucks to be lumped into your 'cringe' and 'emo' labels, but if that's how you see everyone then I can't help that. Since fueling your ego would be bad at this stage in your life, I'm not going to be doing that. Ah well, not everyone's cut out for this sort of thing I guess.


I said love addicts call it emo and cringe but ok


Also I never said I hated tooth. I've worked on it for 3 years non stop, from 14 to 17. It's literally my childhood. I said I dont like the people it brings. And apparently not liking addicts means you have mental problems