Small update

Just a small update since I didn't get to add some grammer fixes and such before. I might start making smaller updates instead of bigger ones to have it more updated, don't know yet.


- Added Seth images

- Grammar fix for Owen's day

- Bug fixes 

- Changed main menu music

- Added background music (Was thinking about only adding it to dates but Idk I might change it)


com.blueberry.tooth-902-universal-release.apk 185 MB
Aug 10, 2020 166 MB
Aug 10, 2020 183 MB
Aug 10, 2020

Get Tooth (Discontinued until further notice)


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We are fine with smaller updates, if it's better for you then great, just remember to not overwork k?, your health is important both physically and mentally, so make sure you ok. If you can manage smaller updates then that's great go for it, just make sure that you're happy :3


Awe hehe thank you. I'm taking it slow for the most part, it wouldn't make any diffrence since if android packager is working then it's not an issue. Thank you tho I hope you're having a good day